A global leader in Security and Security Systems

Swatt security Ltd was established in 2005 with Board of Directors, experienced management team that has built the current team of experienced managers with over 2640 personnel’s and 80 junior and senior staff team.

Swatt security Ltd is an advanced wholly owned and managed Ugandan private security company with specialized technical human resources. Swatt realized a need for a company that could deal with any security concern or requirements necessary to ensure protection of lives and property under one roof, by enabling clients to focus on their other core businesses at ease.

Our security understanding and experience in Uganda and regional private security risks always give us an advantage over many competitors in the sector.

We always provide our clients with valuable, analyzed and recommendations on how to secure their life and property. Our experienced founders and management team span both corporate and specialized military experience and possess the capacity and skills to assess, understand and provide a personal security and asset protection needs.

You will most likely know us by looking at our achievements

Employee Force


Our Clients


StandBy Vehicles

Unarmed Security Services

Our unarmed, uniformed security personnel’s provide security patrols, systems monitoring, policy enforcement and incident response in many environments and settings. They often occupy highly visible positions, where public relation and customer service skills are essential.

Our employee selection and security personnel training programs are designed to develop candidates with strong communication skills into capable security officers to become our customer service ambassadors in various areas.

Special Events Security

From political conventions to sports spectators, from award shows and entertainment events to product sales and major corporate marketing events, Swatt team special events decision provides unparalleled safety, security and peace of mind.

For corporate events and other occasions, Swatt team focused on advance planning, threat assessment and problem prevention, event crowd control, when necessary crisis response. Management is skilled at understanding and planning the event security process and working with the clients, while our personnel’s are trained to be polite and professional while assuring the safety and security of event attendees throughout.

A broad range of security resources is available to meet the needs of major corporations, entertainment industry executives, political events, and every other type of activity where a secure environment is required.

Investigation Services

We take great pride in assisting you with your investigation needs. It’s our commitment to you the client, that you receive the highest quality, professional investigation services available on a mere call up.

Our experienced private investigators handle a wide variety of services. Whether you are concerned with internal employees’ issues such as theft, scams or other type of corruption, or external worries such as internet fraud, electronic bugging, extortion, our due diligence matters. Swatt team offers the expertise to get your answers and recovers your assets quickly.

The basic need for an investigator is to confirm or uncover the truth. What truth you need to reveal.